Saturday, February 6, 2010

Every Parent's (Second) Worst Nightmare

What's every parent's worst nightmare? Probably having a child kidnapped, or maybe even predecease them.  But what's their second worst nightmare? Probably leaving a teenager at home alone while they dash off for a quick weekend vacation, only to return on Sunday afternoon to find the family home completely trashed following a wild teenage house party.

That's what happened to one set of parents in London last weekend apparently.  On Friday they waved goodbye to their innocent looking teenaged son, whom they had enrolled in a $34,000/year private school.  As they left he asked only for $30 to buy some fast food for friends who were coming over for dinner. But instead he went back in the house and advertised a house party on Facebook. According to an article published in the Daily Mail, "Hours later more than 100 party-goers descended on his parents' gated property, throwing objects from windows, smashing chandeliers, defacing cars and urinating out of windows.  The lawn was strewn with broken glass and teenagers shouting and screaming as bottles and cans were thrown at the neighbours' property, prompting them to call police twice. It took six police cars and two ambulances to deal with the carnage."  You can read the entire article HERE.

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