Monday, October 3, 2011

World's Largest Nacho Platter Arms Race

A Massachusetts eatery called "Ninety Nine Restaurant" set the new Guinness World Record yesterday for the largest plate of nachos, by making one weighing 3,999 lbs.  You can read the details (like how many lbs. of cheese it had) HERE.

That's vaguely interesting. But what really intrigued me was the revelation that there is clearly an active, ongoing 'arms race' to create the world's largest nacho platter, just like the continued efforts over the years to build the newest 'world's tallest building.' 

The end of this news story states that the previous record, a 3,555 lb. nacho plate, was set "in April 2010 in Frisco, Texas."  It took a little searching online to find that this prior record had been set by the 'Aurora Youth Ministry' from the Northstar Church there, as you can read HERE. And that article notes the then-current world record had been set in May 2008 by a restaurant called "Bandito's Burrito Lounge" in Richmond, Virginia, when they crafted a 3,125 lb. plate of nachos. It states HERE that the record before that was 2,762 lbs. Lastly, I found THIS collection of photos from a Mexican restaurant in Australia called Nachos Mexican Cantina which  set the record back in June 2002 with a 2,774 lb. nacho platter. Perhaps mercifully, that's where the trail went cold.....

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