Monday, September 19, 2011

Woman Calls Ex-Boyfriend 65,000 Times

I thought that the headline of this story was great: "Woman Calls Ex-Boyfriend 65,000 Times."  It details how Dutch prosecutors in the Hague have filed phone stalking charges against a 42-year old woman who allegedly called her 62-year old ex-boyfriend 65,000 times in the year after they broke up.

According to this CBS News article, that works out to 178 times a day, every day for a year. Wow.  Crazy.  "What was that lady thinking,"  I wondered. But then again, why didn't the ex-boyfriend just get a new phone (or change his phone number) after a few days or months of all this crazy phone stalking, rather than let it go on-and-on for a year?

If the headline was eye-grabbing, the last line of the story was positively priceless. "The man denied they had a relationship."

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